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The Earthlodge

The structure of this beautiful cordwood & cob roundhouse was built in just 9 days with an amazing crew from Shift Bristol, led by Tony Wrench.  Inspired by traditional Celtic British dwellings, it is a rich and earthy place to sit by the fire and re-connect to our elemental nature.

The roundhouse was designed as a cave-like, intimate meeting space for the retreat center, EarthHeart in the Forest of Dean, UK.  It is has low walls made from cut logs mortared together with an earthen cob mixture.  These sit on a stone stem wall with a gravel trench below.


The roof is constructed from local round timbers using the 'reciprocal' technique where each beam rests on the one placed before.  Above the central opening is a secondary, smaller reciprocal roof designed to ventilate smoke from the central fire.  A green roof tops off the building concealing the building from view and allowing it to merge gently with the forested landscape around.

We have been working on this building over the summer of 2016, finishing off the walls and roof to make the roundhouse winter- ready.  We have also begun finishing work on the interior, applying a lovely pink-hued earthen plaster around the cordwood.  Tests have been made for an earthen floor that will be laid throughout and a traditional inlaid stone floor marks the entrance passage.  


I'm looking forward to polishing off the finishing touches this spring; look out for updates soon!


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